We are in danger from unknown forces that conspire against us.
The air you breathe, the water you drink, the land beneath you is no longer yours. Perhaps it was never yours.
There is no security left in this world. We must band together...

This is an ongoing adventure where you get a box in the mail every month that has a mission that is unique to that month. You will get puzzles and ciphers and some backstory and then have to solve things to complete your mission for the month
You will also get some artifacts with it which we think will be cool keepsakes to remind you of the experience. All of our stories are based on actual events (we never contradict history as we find it, but some stories may be fictionalized).
One of our goals is to introduce you to some pretty fascinating historical figures that you may or may not know. If you are so inclined, you can research them and find out more about actual events, but that isn’t necessary to solve the game.

Become an agent for change in the involving, character-led stories of The Resystance! A truly unique, custom-built journey designed by people who enjoy puzzles just like you.

The Resystance is based on numerous, historical stories with immersive puzzles, ciphers and other engaging knowledge bombs to enjoy!

Click below to get started!
"The narratives were very engaging. I also thought the puzzle matching to the time periods was very appropriate. The game did a good job of not being overbearing in its education but letting the game play take the education farther. The other thing we really liked about these games was the unique style puzzles. There were a lot of unique puzzles in each of them. I thought it was a blast."
-The Puzzling Company

What Members Say

November - Gandhi - Boycott
It is April 1, 1930, India. You are following Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in a crowd on its way to Dandi to protest Britain’s Salt Act of 1882 which prohibits Indians from collecting or selling salt. Instead, Indian citizens are forced to buy the vital mineral from the British, who charge a heavy tax on the salt. Before the March commenced, Gandhi gave a speech about civil disobedience and the use of non-violent protest that he calls Satyagraha. As you travel with the crowd, you discuss with your fellow protestors the principles of Satyagraha. Each day, your fellow travelers will teach you the rules that Gandhi has established in order to practice love-force within a satyagraha campaign. Gandhi is wise and through his teachings you must decipher his messages of hope and love to find the courage to defend your rights. Seek out six rules so you may help usher in a new era of resystance.

You pay only the fees listed. Shipping is $5/box within the US and $15 to Canada
The Resystance has stories based on resistance movements throughout history with topics such as the American Civil war, Suffragettes and Gandhi. The CRAAAFT has stories based on folklore and myth from around the world. It includes topics such as Native American water spirits and Tibetan hungry ghosts. The Tower of the Four is a series based on the award winng novelist Todd Fahenestock's series of the same name.
The CRAAAFT ships the second week of the month and The Resystance ships the last week of the month, except in December when we ship daily beginning the second week of the month. Shipping times vary depending on your location.
You can cancel or suspend your subscription at any time. You will not be charged for any more subscription cycles until you reactivate your account.
Each month is a stand-alone story that you can enjoy by itself. The individual mysteries do not need to go in a particular order and you can start at any time.
In addition to what is in the box, you will need a way to connect to the internet. There will be online activities and if you are anything like us, you will want to do your research and find out more about these fascinating people and their stories.

The CRAAAFT is a fascinating and varied journey into mythology and folklore, with exciting stores, puzzles and chipers from around the globe, that you must solve!
The CRAAAFT is a twelve part series with each mission being sent out once a year in the same month.